Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Calls for a New International Left
Steve Bannon thinks he can lure progressives into the nationalist far right. Sanders condemned this effort.
Critics Ramp Up Calls for US to Stop Fueling Atrocities in Yemen
Amid these atrocities, the Pentagon is reportedly preparing to train Saudi military pilots on US soil.
Centrist Think Tanks Ponder Populism’s Rise, but Hesitate to Change
Despite rising populism, two leading think tanks in DC remain attached to the economic and military establishment.
Corporate Democrats Prepare Midterm Battle Against Socialist Candidates
The New Democrat Coalition is working to preserve neoliberalism and prevent a pivot toward social democracy.
New Poll Shows 70 Percent of Americans Support Medicare for All
Democratic leaders are being told they ignore the push for Medicare for All at their own peril.
Why the Latest Attack on Single-Payer Backfired
While the moral argument for universal health care is paramount, the economic one is vital to winning the reform.
Sanders Says “Big Money Interests” and Corporate Democrats “Should Be Scared”
Democratic insiders present at an invite-only event in Ohio laid out an agenda that didn't focus on equality.
Single-Payer Advocates in Congress Double Down With Medicare for All Caucus
Caucus members hope to help educate the public about true single-payer health care and hasten its implementation.
How Far Can the Left Go in the Democratic Party?
The odds are still stacked against those, like Ocasio-Cortez, who hope to transform the Democratic Party.
How $1.8 Billion in Unregulated Digital Ads Could Sway Midterms
GOP resistance to campaign finance rules for digital ads is threatening US democracy.