Bernie Sanders
Warren, Sanders Call to Impeach After Trump Welcomes Dirt From Foreign Powers
Fifty-nine House Democrats and one Republican support launching impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
Corporate Media Enable Industry War Against Medicare for All
The health care industry feeds corporate media a steady diet of “alternative facts” about Medicare for All.
Canvassing the 55 Percent of Rural Voters Wanting Medicare for All
Like with Medicare in the 1960s, an activated public can canvass voters to force Congress to act.
Sanders Says With Future of Planet at Stake, There’s #NoMiddleGround
“We cannot go back to the old ways, we have got to go forward with a new and progressive agenda,” Senator Sanders said.
If Pete Buttigieg Is the “Opposition” to Trump, We Are Screwed
Buttigieg has consistently served the interests of Silicon Valley, the police and the war industry.
Right-Wing Attacks on Sanders Show Misunderstanding of Single-Payer
Right-wing critics either don't understand the issue or are intentionally misleading the public.
Warren and Sanders Refuse to Cozy Up to Wall Street Donors
Many 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls have been raking in checks at big-dollar events across the U.S.
Bernie Sanders Unveils a 10-Point Plan to Overhaul Public Education
Sanders aims to guarantee every person in the U.S. a quality education as a fundamental human right.
Will Democratic Party Elites Dictate Its Primaries Again?
The Democratic elite will fight any real threat to their status quo, as they did in the 2016 primaries and caucuses.
Even GOP Voters Are Applauding AOC and Sanders for Taking on Lenders
A new politics is taking shape around consumer rights that transcends party lines.