Trump, the Banks and the Bomb
While Donald Trump's presidency will obstruct the realization of a nuclear-free world, civil society has seen some gains in the fight against nuclear weapons.
Seven Things the Defund DAPL Campaign Has Achieved So Far
Public and consumer pressure on banks to quit financing the Dakota Access pipeline companies is producing results.
How Standing Rock’s Divest Campaign Can Stop Future Pipelines
As banks begin to respond, environmental movements are learning the importance of speaking clearly about the financial risks of fossil fuel investment.
“We’ll Look at Everything”: More Thoughts on Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
To stimulate the economy, create new jobs and generate new GDP requires an injection of new money.
How Indigenous Activists in Norway Got the First Bank to Pull Out of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Indigenous Sami activists in Norway and Americans of Sami descent forced the first bank to divest from the Dakota Access pipeline. This is how they did it.
I Couldn’t Go to Standing Rock, So I Closed My Bank Accounts Instead
There are 38 banks supporting the Dakota Access pipeline. I found out mine was one of them.
Wells Fargo, You Can Run but You Can’t Hide: A Homeowner’s Testimony
One homeowner, Therese Crowley, fell into the proverbial rabbit hole when she put her faith in Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.
Bank Funding Pipeline Will Look Into Violations of Standing Rock Sioux’s Rights
$460 million in credit is at stake for the Dakota Access and Bakken pipeline.
Can We Forgo Wells Fargo?
In the wake of the phony account scandal, progressives are joining forces to move public money out of the Wall Street bank.
Communities Across the Globe Mobilize to Support #NoDAPL
Activists are strategically targeting the Dakota Access Pipeline's corporate bankrollers in a show of solidarity.