
Political Economist Answers: What’s So Dangerous About Austerity?
Austerity policies are dangerous because they don't achieve their purported goals and harm those with the least political power, political economist and author Mark Blyth tells Truthout.

Greece: Signs of Growth Come as Austerity Eases
The IMF's austerity plan hasn't worked. Greece's possible recovery is down to a construction program boosting the economy.

The Greek “Success Story” of a Crushing Economy and a Failed State
Contrary to the official story, Greece's economy is not recovering, and the continuation of the Troika's neoliberal austerity medicine assure the country a bleak economic and social future.

Make New York City Ungovernable: Lessons From the Anti-Apartheid Struggle in the Age of Bill de Blasio
If there are any illusions, it's among the liberals who expect dramatic change from a de Blasio administration while they tell the left and workers to be quiet.

Youth Can Handle the Truth
This week we want to highlight some of the issues that are spurring youth to get active in their communities and what they are doing about them.

Holiday Greeting: No Peace Without Justice
There can be no peace without justice. At least five areas of blatant injustice warrant the urgent attention of people of good will: poverty wages, immigrant detention, harsh sentencing, …

Media: Play Fair With Economic Reporting on Greece
The Greek government is projecting a return to growth in 2014, a forecast supported by the International Monetary Fund, but some mainstream media outlets are reporting one agency's forecast …

Bipartisan Budget Deal Secures Austerity Policies, Fails to Extend Unemployment Benefits
Ryan-Murray bipartisan budget deal would not extend unemployment insurance for 1.3 million Americans, while maintaining $100 billion a year sequestration cuts after 2015.

Actually Existing Capitalism: Wrecking Societies for the Benefit of Big Capital and the Super-Rich
The evidence suggests that capitalism has become wholly predatory and has given up all pretense of being socially responsible.

Preparing a Goldilocks Economy: Getting the Minimum Wage Just Right
Saving the US economy begins with increasing the minimum wage, says economist Jeffrey Sommers.