Opposing the Newest Austerity Plan in Greece
Sotiris Martalis speaks with Lee Sustar about the shape of the battle ahead in Greece.
Economic Update: Capitalism’s Endless Costs
This episode explores countries that refuse to pay certain debts, and more.
Shame on Eric Holder, Wall Street’s Attorney General
Eric Holder never convicted anyone for the crimes that spawned the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Paul Krugman | Europe’s Next Bad Idea: Bring in the Technocrats
What Europe calls technocrats aren't people who know how the world works.
Dean Baker | Wolfgang Schäuble, the Hero of the Greek Austerity Crisis?
Schauble argued that a departure from the euro zone would have facilitated a restructuring of Greek debt.
Syriza’s Hapless and Sad Betrayal of Hope Follows Long Greek Left Tradition
The first leftist government in Greek history continues the long tradition of Greek left betrayal.
Grexit or Jubilee? How Greek Debt Can Be Annulled
The crushing Greek debt could be canceled the way it was made - by sleight of hand.
Protests Erupt Outside of Greek Parliament as It Approves Harsh Austerity
Protests erupted in Greece Wednesday.
The Problem of Greece Is Not Only a Tragedy – It Is a Lie
Syriza is choosing the path of liberals groomed to comply with neoliberal drivel.
An Epic Policy Failure in Europe
The troika's program for Greece represents one of history's epic policy failures.