Google for Media? How Big Tech Is Shaping Journalism
We are just entering the era when high-tech companies own, control and actively participate in mainstream media. Is that a good thing?
If Obama Orders the CIA To Kill a US Citizen, Amazon Will Be a Partner in Assassination
The relationship means that Amazon is responsible for keeping the CIA's secrets and aggregating data to help the agency do its work. Including drone strikes.
Ownership of WaPo by CIA Contractor Puts US Journalism in Dangerous Terrain
Norman Solomon: There is a major conflict of interest in the ownership of The Washington Post by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who holds a $600 million contract with the …
Under Amazon’s CIA Cloud: The Washington Post
News media should illuminate conflicts of interest, not embody them.
Ecuador’s Campaign: “The Dirty Hand of Chevron“
Chevron's refusal to acknowledge its responsibility in contaminating the Amazon basin has led Ecuador's president to call for a worldwide boycott of Chevron products.
Dean Baker | The Smart Boys: Larry Summers and Jeff Bezos
Dean Baker: The paeans to the genius of both men say a great deal about the quality of public debate in elite circles.
The President, Chattanooga, Amazon and Job Creation
Why is President Obama using Amazon to tout his ideas for job creation?
Fears Peru’s Gas Expansion will Generate Conflict in UNESCO World Heritage Site
In Peru, there is concern that the planned expansion of the country's biggest gas project deeper into its Kugapakori-Nahua-Nanti Reserve will generate conflict between the different groups of indigenous …
Can Capitalism Tolerate a Democratic Internet? An Interview With Media Expert Robert McChesney
Anne Elizabeth Moore speaks with McChesney about the future of the Internet, capitalism and Truthout.
Resource Wars Connect Yanomami Massacre and Shell’s Arctic Drilling
Two pieces of news came in this morning: one about the massacre of an Yanomami settlement in the Amazon, and the other about Obama green lighting Shellu2019s drilling in …