
Melting Accelerates in Antarctica: So Far, 2015 Is Hottest Year Yet
This April could well mark the beginning of the end of the polar ice caps.

What Lies Behind the Recent Surge of Amazon Deforestation
Deforestation in the Amazon is soaring.

Deep in the Amazon, a Tiny Tribe Is Beating Big Oil
The people of Sarayaku are a leading force in 21st-century indigenous resistance.

The Laundering Machine: How US Corporations Threaten Peru’s Forests Through Illegal Logging
A new report reveals more than 20 US companies have imported millions of dollars in illegal wood from the Peruvian Amazon since 2008.

Dahr Jamail | Climate Disruption Depression and 2013 Emissions Set New Records
In spite of announced clean energy policies, the world isn't moving fast enough to mitigate climate disruption.

Amazon-CIA $600 Million Deal Facing Scrutiny: “What’s the CIA Doing on Amazon’s Cloud?”
In hosting a huge computing cloud for the CIA's secrets, Amazon now has “a digital place where data for mass surveillance and perpetual war are converging.”

“Suffered or Permitted to Work” – When Is a Worker an Employee?
Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Busk reveals the ugly side of business today.

High-Flying Drones and Basement Wages: Alarming Trends in Package Delivery
It's too bad for workers, but speedier delivery sounds like a boon for customers, right? Not so fast.

Protecting the Amazon Includes Defending Indigenous Rights
Hiparidi Top'Tiro Xavante says indigenous peoples of the Amazon are uniting to defend their way of life and protect the biodiversity of the “lungs of the world.”

Apocalypse of the “Happy Meal”: Worshiping the Golden Calf
What we set on our tables, and chow down on at fast-food restaurants, may be contributing more to the acceleration of climate change and human extinction than some of …