
Critics Decry Kansas Holding Referendum on Abortion During Primary Election Date
Turnout for Democrats will be lower in the primary, and unaffiliated Kansans may be less inclined to take part at all.

Progressives Call for Reform, Say Supreme Court Has “Destroyed Its Legitimacy”
“We do not have to simply accept the devastation of these rulings,” said Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal.

The Supreme Court Is Now Further Right Than It’s Been Since the Early 1930s
Only a quarter of Americans say they have confidence in the court, following a spate of far right rulings this year.

Democratic Leadership Can Protect Abortion Rights. They Would Rather Fundraise.
Democrats in Congress are treating the death of “Roe” like a fundraising opportunity instead of a national crisis.

As US Guts Reproductive Rights, Sierra Leone Moves to Decriminalize Abortion
The country currently has the world's highest maternal mortality rate.

Capitol Police Arrest 181 Protesters Waging Sit-In for Abortion Rights in DC
Pro-abortion demonstrators across the country have been met with police violence as they protest the overturn of “Roe.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “We Are Witnessing a Judicial Coup in Process”
The Supreme Court will soon hear a case that could fundamentally change how the electoral process works in the U.S.

Florida’s 15-Week Abortion Ban Temporarily Blocked by State Judge
The law, signed earlier this year by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, was set to go into effect on July 1.

Sinema Kills Plan to Codify Abortion Rights While Fundraising on Protecting Them
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema supported a filibuster carveout to raise the debt ceiling, but won't do it for reproductive rights.

The US Is in the Midst of a “Shock-and-Awe Judicial Coup,” Naomi Klein
“The rolling judicial coup coming from this court is by no means over,” warned the author of “The Shock Doctrine.”