
Right-Wing Anti-Abortion, Anti-LGBTQ Think Tank Is Now a Church in Eyes of IRS
Many conservative groups are now seeking church status, in order to shield themselves from financial scrutiny.

Red States Plot Use of Vigilantes to Restrict Abortion Seekers’ Travel
Biden's Friday executive order can't guarantee courts will side with abortion providers against cross-state prosecution.

Abortion Activists Slam White House for Saying They Are “Out of Step” With Dems
The Biden administration already faces criticism following its tepid response to protect abortion access after “Dobbs.”

Experts Fear That Backsliding on Abortion Rights Will Go Beyond US Borders
The overturning of “Roe v. Wade” will embolden fringe anti-abortion groups across Europe, activists and academics warn.

Companies Offering Abortion Travel Benefits Donate to Anti-Abortion Politicians
Advocates cite privacy concerns and ask whether companies can truly be trusted to support people seeking abortion care.

Protests Outside Justices’ Homes Have Increased Since the Overturning of “Roe”
Pressure to end protests at Supreme Court justices’ homes is mounting, but activists refuse to back down.

Biden to Sign Executive Order on Abortions — But Does It Do Enough?
Many lauded the order as a positive development, but said that more action from the administration was needed.

Native Sovereignty Over Abortion Was Already Under Attack Before Roe’s Overturn
Sterilization and abortion restrictions made clear we can’t gain full reproductive justice without tribal sovereignty.

GOP Lawmakers Consider Next Moves on Abortion, Including Nationwide Bans
One proposal, which already has 163 Republican co-sponsors, would ban “abortion” at the moment of fertilization.

Montana Abortion Clinics Restrict Pill Access for Out-of-State Patients
States bordering Montana have “trigger laws” in effect or pending, but will the state provide care to outside patients?