Why Dark Money in Politics Is Bad for Women
Supporting modest reform like the DISCLOSE Act would, in normal times, be an easy political win for Republicans.
Why the Reproductive Rights Movement Must Abandon the Term “Abortion“
Many conservative Republicans, as well as the official Catholic Church, believe the metaphor that Fertilized Eggs Are People and that preventing such egg-people from being implanted in the womb …
Top Five Ways Republicans Have Turned Washington, DC, Into Their Legislative Playground
Rand Paul is just the last of the long line of members of Congress who mistakenly believe it is their place to tell Washington residents what they can and …
The Bishops’ Politics: Why Are Women’s Health and Lives Subject to the Catholic Lobby?
The Catholic Church as represented by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops directly influences American politics.
What the Right Gets Right About Abortion and the Left Doesn’t Get
The most determined abortion opponents will say or do almost anything in the service of their cause: Distortion, deception, manipulation, intimidation, even murder.