abortion bans

Even Abortion Ban States Push for Further Restrictions on Reproductive Health
Statehouses are preparing for next year’s legislative sessions — most for the first time since “Roe” was overturned.

Post “Roe,” Advocates Fear for the Future of Contraceptive Self-Determination
A climate of misinformation and fear has people feeling they are making their contraceptive choices under duress.

For-Profit Abortion Telemedicine Start-Ups Are Proliferating in Wake of “Roe”
As for-profit telemedicine companies replace shuttered clinics, advocates worry about who will have access to abortion.

Abortion Rights Opponents Are Targeting Patients Seeking Care in Blue States
Clinic defense is an essential part of the abortion rights movement in the repressive post-"Roe" era.

Kemp Refuses to Say Where He Stands on Future Abortion Restrictions in Georgia
Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams told voters they should be skeptical of the GOP governor's nonanswer.

Analysis Shows Voters in States With New Abortion Restrictions Oppose Them
Only 13 percent of residents in states with near-total abortion bans said they supported the bans, a new poll found.

As the South Cracks Down on Abortion Access, Tax Dollars Flow to Fake Clinics
“Crisis pregnancy centers” are funded by taxpayer dollars in 16 states, including six in the South.

Abortion Bans Are a Top Issue for Democratic Voters This Midterm, Poll Shows
The poll showed 76 percent of all voters motivated by the issue plan to vote for candidates who support abortion access.

Medication Abortion Is Not Enough to Solve the Abortion Access Crisis
The intense focus on medication abortion post-"Roe" risks leaving behind people for whom it isn’t a feasible option.

Public Opinion Is Shifting in Favor of Abortion Rights. Will It Affect Policy?
Backlash to 15-week ban suggests people are becoming less tolerant of laws prohibiting second-trimester abortions.