2020 Election

Medicare for All Emerges as Early Divide in First Democratic Debate
The single-payer talk set off other discussions about the role of health insurance and the cost of care.

Warren Says She’d Make College Free and Eliminate Private Insurance
In Wednesday's debate, Elizabeth Warren pushed for structural changes to the government and economy.

The First Democratic Debate Was Speed-Dating With Some Substance
This is no way to pick a president.

Democratic Debate Spent Less Than 10 Minutes on Climate Change
Progressive critics argue that the DNC must agree to host a debate focused specifically on climate change.

In First Debate, 2020 Candidates Must Step It Up on Climate Change
The next president will decide the world’s climate future. When will the candidates start acting like it?

Republicans Launch WinRed to Compete With ActBlue for Small Donors
When it comes to small-dollar fundraising, Republicans have typically lagged behind their Democratic counterparts.

Big Bucks Ready to Flow Into Maine as Susan Collins Aims to Keep Her Seat
The incumbent senator saw her fundraising totals skyrocket after voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

Sanders’s Speech Presents a Conundrum for New Left’s Socialist Strategy
Bernie Sanders is offering adjustments to capitalism, not transformation into a worker-controlled democratic society.

To Create a New Deal That Works for Everyone, We Must Shun Centrism
The New Deal left many behind. It's time to create even bolder policies that confront the racist status quo.

Primary Challengers Looking to Repeat AOC Magic Face Uphill Battle in 2020
After a midterm cycle featuring a number of high-profile upsets, more House Democrats are facing primary challenges.