Planet or Profit
Investigating systemic threats to the ecosystem from transglobal corporate profit-seeking.

An Explosive Crisis: Government Bickering Clouds Cleanup Effort at Camp Minden
Another round of the sort of bureaucratic finger-pointing that plagued the government's initial response to the crisis has erupted.

Can Bolivia Chart a Sustainable Path Away From Capitalism?
Despite Evo Morales' progressive policies in Bolivia, some say his government's form of change is not sustainable.

Dahr Jamail | Mourning Our Planet: Climate Scientists Share Their Grieving Process
Climate scientists share their rage, fears and hopes over the damage being done to our world.

Sundarbans Oil Spill: An Urgent Wake-Up Call for the Bangladeshi Government
The oil spill in Sundarbans forest has mobilized activists to stop construction of a massive coal plant nearby.

Is Reinvestment a Good Strategy for the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement?
Fossil fuel divestment is a powerful climate change strategy that must not be distracted by economics.

Scientists and Doctors Sound Alarm Over Health Dangers of Oil Spill Dispersants
Some are questioning whether the EPA's proposed changes to chemical dispersants standards are enough to prevent harm.

An Explosive Crisis: EPA Pushes for Massive Munitions Burn at Louisiana’s Camp Minden
The EPA is set to oversee the hazardous, open burning of 15 million pounds of explosives in Louisiana; neighbors demand an alternative plan.

Dahr Jamail | The Methane Monster Roars
The release of previously trapped methane stores into the atmosphere will magnify the effects of feedback loops and climate disruption.

Dahr Jamail | As Climate Disruption Advances, 26 Percent of Mammals Face Extinction
Climate disruption is progressing rapidly on every front, and even some climate deniers are recognizing the danger.

GMO Contamination Denial: Controlling Science
Scientific research is pushed toward a profit-based consensus through repression and manipulation.