Moyers and Company
Under the editorial direction of Bill Moyers, the non-profit, award-winning Moyers & Company offer independent news and commentary covering elections, money and politics, inequality, climate change, voting rights, the media and more.
Trump’s Not-So-Great Game of Setting Expectations
The run-up to the debates is Donald Trump's latest exercise in intimidating the press.
Breaking the Climate Procrastination Habit
It's a long list, but things can be done to get this country on a renewable energy track.
Election 2016: There’s No Debate
The candidates and the media have thoroughly corrupted the presidential debates. Our democracy deserves better. There's still time for a change.
Guess Who’s Winning the Argument on Trade?
A top AFL-CIO economist tries not to say, “I told you so.”
Fact-Checking in the Age of Trump
The business of ferreting out candidates' whoppers is booming, and no wonder.
The Normalization of the Deplorables
The fact that the press is not reporting on the continuing violence at Donald Trump's rallies reflects an acceptance that is troubling.
The Feeble False Modesty of Chris Wallace
As TV news approaches more moments of truth (and untruth) in the coming presidential debates.
A Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Bill?
Yes, Virginia (and all you other states), it could happen. This year.
Greasing the Outstretched Palms of the Candidates
Two reports underline the suffocating influence of the corporate United States on politics and the tricks banks play on taxpayers.
Drugs and Privilege: Big Business, Congress and the EpiPen
This new price gouge is the latest example of a corrupt system that hurts regular Americans — but we will hold accountable those who are responsible.