Anne Elizabeth Moore and a host of artists explore important topics through graphic journalism.

It’s the Money, Honey
While global garment industry revenue represents the lion's share of many countries' exports and GDP, the workers who make the garments almost never make a living wage - and …

Outta Sight, Outta Mind: What Producers Don’t Want You to Know About How Your Clothes Are Made
The most important resource for garment manufacture is a pool of cheap and often desperate labor. A corrupt government is also helpful.

Red Tape: Controlling the International Flow of Apparel
More than half a million jobs in the apparel industry have been lost since NAFTA. Ladydrawers connects the dots between homeland security, bras and the loss of US jobs.

Ladydrawers – Zoned: The Mysterious “Foreign” Outposts Inside the USA
The latest installment of our yearlong look at international gender and labor issues looks at the wacky world of Foreign-Trade Zones and the labor problems they foster.

Ladydrawers: The Business of Thrift
In which the intrepid Ladydrawers reporters show us what REALLY happens to used clothes ...

Ladydrawers: Let’s Go Shopping
Ladydrawers' second look at the global garment trade begins where the production line should end: at H&M, Zara, Forever 21, and other fast-fashion retail stores.

Ladydrawers: Fast Fashion
Fast fashion means cheap, cute, disposable threads on which we spend about $1,700 per year.

Ladydrawers: “Being of Service“
Today's strip launches a new look at contemporary gender and economic justice around the world.

A Ladydrawers History of Women’s Rights, Part VI: “The Crazy Cat Lady“
Marlo Brown wasn't credited in the discovery of Feline Immuno-deficiency virus due to gender bias in patent law.

The Ladydrawers’ History of Women’s Rights Part V
The Ladydrawers finally found gender equality in patent ownership.