Despair and Disparity: The Uneven Burdens of COVID-19
Addressing how the pandemic intersects with issues of social, economic, environmental, racial, gender and disability justice.

Prioritizing Incarcerated People for Vaccine Quickly Reduced COVID in IL Prisons
The state has vaccinated 69 percent of the people in prison. However, most guards are not required to get vaccinated.

The WTO Stopped Millions of People From Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine
The World Trade Organization’s most powerful members quashed a proposal to waive vaccine patents for poorer countries.

Communities Hardest Hit by COVID Are Also Harmed Most by Standardized Testing
Standardized testing under pandemic conditions will only magnify the inequities the tests were designed to perpetuate.

Rich Countries Are Using Vaccines as a Power Play — and Everyone Could Suffer
The U.S., U.K., EU and Israel are hoarding vaccines. To beat COVID, we need true global cooperation instead.

Complexities at the Border Are Lost as Media, GOP Paint Situation as a “Surge”
Still, advocates say Biden must fundamentally change how agencies process unaccompanied kids on the border.

Many Agricultural Workers Still Can’t Get COVID Vaccine as Growing Season Begins
Exclusion from vaccine eligibility is emblematic of how farmworkers, many of them migrants, are treated in general.

Community Health Centers Are Fueling Vaccine Equity. The Relief Bill Funds Them.
Data shows that 54 percent of those who received their vaccines at a community health center were people of color.

The Frantic Push to Reopen Schools Ignores Educational Inequality Before COVID
Rhetoric about children “falling behind” shows a desire to maintain a broken status quo, not a desire for true equity.

Reckless Governors Are Lobbing a Hand Grenade Into Biden’s COVID Plan
We must push back against our state leaders as they abandon life-saving protections against COVID-19.

We Could End Homelessness Right Now, If Only Capitalism Didn’t Get in the Way
At the heart of today’s housing crisis is a capitalist economy built on shadowy finances and esoteric debt.