Prisons & Policing
After Seven Long Years, Freedom: An Interview With Marissa Alexander
Domestic violence survivor Marissa Alexander talks about the monetary and emotional costs of home confinement.
Beverly Bell on Berta Cáceres: “There Will Not Be Change as Long as the US Sends Military Aid to Honduras”
Janine Jackson interviews Beverly Bell about the first anniversary of Berta Caceres's murder for CounterSpin.
Oregon Congressman Pushes Bill Exempting Ranchers From Terrorism Law’s Reach
For Oregon Congressman Walden, it's “terrorism” unless it involves armed white guys with right-wing politics.
How Do We Honor Chance Baker’s Life?
The responses of city officials in Portland, Maine, to another case of police violence doesn't deal with the core issues.
Cry Freedom: A Lifer’s Lament
Still, I will survive. I will endure. I will keep trying to live with hope.
Human Slaughterhouse: Amnesty International Says Up to 13,000 Hanged at Syrian Prison
Amnesty International has released a shocking report.
This Is Our Land: The Rebirth of Mass Resistance
Now here's the thing about domination: it is never absolute. When capitalism is most reckless, it is also most vulnerable.
For Jeff Sessions, DC Stands for “Dodge City“
Trump has enough many conflicts of interest. Jeff Sessions, if confirmed as Attorney General, will have to deal with them.
Nonviolent Resistance in the Age of Trump
Nonviolent resistance, it seems, is on the rise.
Being Bolder With Our Demands: A Conversation With Black Youth Project Activist Biola Jeje
Biola Jeje, one of the activists who shut down an Inauguration Day entry point, shares her thoughts on direct action.