Politics & Elections
Meet the Anti-Muslim Leaders Advising Donald Trump and Ted Cruz
Senator Ted Cruz issued a call for the United States to “immediately halt the flow of refugees.”
Donald Trump: Reality Television’s Candidate
For the most part, Donald Trump does treat the campaign trail as a stage for his foul-mouthed comedic routine.
The Finances of a Second Chance
Candidates who did not make a successful run for federal office and run for a state post, often have to start fundraising all over again.
Angela Davis on Not Endorsing Any Presidential Candidate: “I Think We Need a New Party”
Davis talks about the fascist appeal of Donald Trump and why she is not officially endorsing any candidate.
On Regrettable and False Accusations of “Censorship”
Truthout has published both original pieces and reprints that are highly critical — uncompromisingly critical — of Hillary Clinton.
Stats: The Democrats Ignore the Poor at Their Own Peril
Folding the poor into the middle class does not serve the cause of either Democratic presidential candidate's campaign.
Dean Baker | Think Trump’s 45 Percent Tariffs Are Bad? Try Obama’s 10,000 Percent Tariffs
We do face a very real threat of protectionism, but it is in the form of the Obama administration pushing for stronger patent protections in the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Bernie Sanders Wins Landslides in Washington, Alaska and Hawai’i; Corporate Media Downplay Them
Sanders won at least 71 percent of the vote in each state, including 82 percent in Alaska.
Easter 1916 at 100: Its Marxian Dimension
The 20th century was also marked by cataclysmic events in the Global South, not just Europe.
Socialism Beyond the Ballot Box
Socialism is about more than just voting for one person in one election.