Politics & Elections
Melania’s Plagiarism Caps Really Weird Day One at RNC
False flags, an aging child star, an underwear model and white supremacy rounded things out.
William Rivers Pitt | Chachi, Benghazi and Plagiarism, Oh My! RNC Night One
Party unity, baby. Feel it, live it, love it and turn out the lights when you leave.
Henry A. Giroux on Violence, Neoliberalism and the Hallucinatory Anti-Politics of the Trump Era
Cultural critic Henry Giroux explains how violence seeped from the United States' background into the foreground of our psychology.
Borders: Imaginary Lines, Real Exploitation
Most people take borders for granted, but unlike mountains or rivers, they are not natural.
Fareed Zakaria Reapplies Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden” to Muslims
Conservative Republicans are correct about one thing: don't trust the ‘liberal media.’
People’s Justice and Peace Convention, Protests Mark RNC’s Opening Weekend
Activists from across the U.S. held a “people's convention,” and hit the streets to protest police violence and Trump.
Is Donald Trump Serious About Trade, or Anything?
If Trump doesn't understand the realities of trade, then he is not likely to be able to improve the situation for working people.
Are Voter ID Laws Undermining US Democracy?
Throughout US history, the right to vote has not been absolute.
Eleven Troubling Facts About Trump’s VP, Mike Pence
Choosing Pence is pretty much Trump's way of doubling down on the intolerance and far-right ideology that has characterized his campaign thus far.
The Long Victory of Bernie Sanders
The most unexpected presidential candidacy in modern American history very nearly pulled it off.