Politics & Elections
Three Reasons Trump Is Succeeding and What Progressives Can Do
Racism, patriarchy and hegemony are the powerful feelings and long-standing cultural values behind Trump's appeal.
There Is Nothing Unusual About Ignorance: An Analysis
For Johnson, foreign policy issues were low on the priority list for Libertarians.
All the President’s Friends
Never forget to look behind the candidate.
Educational Inequality and the Ballot Booth
Class bias impedes democracy. Tuition free public universities has the potential to create a more representative democracy.
US Media Ignores CIA Cover-Up on Torture
US veterans chastise mainstream media for ignoring an account of how the CIA tried to block the Senate's torture investigation.
Supreme Cover-Up: How Wisconsin Failed to Investigate Scott Walker’s Connections With Dark Money
The Wisconsin Supreme Court's dysfunction is on full display in newsly released documents.
Meet the “Deplorables”: 13 Despicable Characters in Trump’s Very Crowded Basket
Looking at who surrounds the GOP standard-bearer, it's hard to argue with Hillary Clinton's controversial comments.
William Rivers Pitt | March of the Deplorables
Trump has exposed a deep vein of true ugliness in this country.
Another Week Closer to Fascism
Expect the American media to focus more on Hillary Clinton's bout of pneumonia than on the Republican Party's embrace of fascism.
Will President Obama Address Climate Refugees at the Upcoming Leaders Summit on Refugees?
President Obama will be hosting a Leaders' Summit on Refugees next week.