Politics & Elections
Down the Memory Hole: Trump’s Strategic Assault on Democracy, Word by Word
Trump is hardly the first president to discover the importance of language as a political tool.
In a More Rational World, the US and Iran Would Have Full Diplomatic Relations
Now more than ever, it is necessary to understand Iran in the context of its own history and its tumultuous relationship with the US.
Trump Scandal Overload: Don Jr. Remembers Nothing and Republicans Finally Begin to Face the Facts
Republicans are starting to admit that the Russians meddled to help Trump.
The Search for a New Politics Beyond Neoliberalism and Social Democracy
The individualism that neoliberalism promotes is being replaced by social consciousness.
How Trump Is Hastening the Resegregation of Southern Schools
Civil rights advocates are concerned about Trump's judicial nominees.
Will Democrats Be Able to Preserve Net Neutrality After All?
Can net neutrality be saved?
Big Primary Wins for Socialists and Progressives Who Ran on Popular Demands
‘'They said it wasn't possible without institutional support.'’
Bourgeois Bubbas
Rich Republicans like to claim they're down with the working class.
Rejection of Gerrymandering in Ohio Suggests the US Wants Fairer Elections
In both red and blue states, steps are underway to limit how much districts can be drawn for partisan advantage.
Why Did Novartis Pay Trump’s Lawyer $1.2 Million? Look at Its Drug Prices
Novartis paid more money to Cohen than did any of his clients revealed thus far.