Politics & Elections

2020 Presidential Contenders More Likely to Take on Wall Street
Democrats vying for the nomination are more aligned with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez than they are with Chuck Schumer.

The Government Has Reversed Its Policy on Silicon Valley Diversity Data
Federal contractors had been able to block public records requests for their demographics by calling them trade secrets.

Wisconsin’s Gerrymandered Legislature Already Up to Dirty Tricky Tricks
Wisconsin Republicans are considering enacting voter suppression rules and seizing control over key state boards.

Trumpie Bear
Caution: Trumpie Bear does not like to be left out in the rain and has been known to create household strife.

The Political “Giving” by Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes
This year, the industries behind those classic holiday dishes had their plates full with political influence.

Giving Thanks at the Precipice
The last two decades of noise and nonsense have finally come to a head.

Emails: Brexit Donor Asked Trump-Linked Data Firm to Strategize US Fundraising
New leaked emails reveal fresh links between Brexit bankroller Arron Banks, Cambridge Analytica and Steve Bannon.

“It’s a Mean and Nasty World Out There,” Says Trump, Defending Khashoggi Murder
In Thanksgiving Day tweets, the president took a moment to once again defend the murderous Saudi royal family.

Stunning Investigation Exposes Israel’s Secretive Assassination Program
Israel's targeted killing programs have been responsible for more assassinations than any other Western country.

Years Later, Trump Still Calls for Hillary Clinton to Be “Locked Up”
Former White House counsel Don McGahn had to talk Trump out of ordering the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton.