Human Rights

Drone Resister Found Guilty for Bringing People’s Order of Protection to New York State Hancock Airbase
An hour before the trial began, before any testimony had been heard, presiding Judge Jokl promised to sentence Colville to the maximum penalty allowed.

International Law Versus US Democratic Practice
The media cannot be relied upon to educate the citizenry on the role of lobbies.

Moments of Radicalization – Eddie Conway on Reality Asserts Itself
Former Black Panther Eddie Conway speaks to the Real News.

Federal Reserve Data Shows Growing Wealth Gap Based on Race
A recent Fed report showed a continuation of racial disparities in mean family wealth, median family wealth, and national family wealth share.

US Slammed for Failure to Fulfill Legal Obligation to Eliminate All Forms of Race Discrimination
A UN Committee has published a scathing denunciation of US failures to honor its treaty commitments to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Ten CIA Rendition Victims Urge Obama to Name Them in Senate Torture Report
None of the ten signatories, all victims of CIA rendition, have been officially acknowledged by the US government.

Border Songs: Bringing the Immigration Crisis to the Classroom with Music
The current humanitarian crisis on the US-Mexico border remains hidden from view, leaving many people, including students, completely unaware that thousands of impoverished people have died.

Resisting the Surveillance State in Germany
On Saturday, August 30, more than 6,000 people took to the streets of Berlin, Germany to protest against intelligence agencies' mass surveillance.

Disposable Life: Max Silverman
"We have become less and less aware of the changed environment in which disposing of lives takes place and the forms that disposability takes, so that we no longer …

British Resident Shaker Aamer “Beaten” in Latest Guantanamo Crackdown
Mr. Aamer, who has been cleared for release by both the Bush and Obama administrations, has been held for long periods of solitary confinement since 2005 and is in …