Op-Ed | Environment & Health Ryan Zinke Promotes Logging in the Wake of California’s Wildfires Logged areas with less stringent environmental protections lead to the most intense and dangerous fires. By Judy Molland , Care2 December 6, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health Chemicals on Our Food: When “Safe” May Not Really Be Safe Scientific scrutiny of pesticide residue in food grows as regulatory protections are questioned. By Carey Gillam , EnvironmentalHealthNews December 6, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health North Carolinians Left to Suffer Under Toothless Hog Waste Agreement The practice of storing hog waste in open pits grows more hazardous with each hurricane that pounds the state. By Talia Buford , ProPublica December 5, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health Roadblocks to Health Care Could Be a Death Sentence The government hides its cruel agenda under layers of bureaucracy. By Nicole Braun , OtherWords December 5, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health Companies Blocked From Using Ports to Export Fossil Fuels Seek Workarounds It's unclear for how long the West Coast will be able to hold up the thin green line against Big Oil. By Shawn Olson-Hazboun & Hilary Boudet , TheConversation December 3, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health In the Face of Extinction, We Have a Moral Obligation In the absence of US leadership on climate change, it's up to each of us to act in our species' best interests. By Dahr Jamail , Truthout December 3, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health The Fracking Industry Encroaches on Southwest Texas Texas’ latest oil boom has brought skyrocketing air, noise and light pollution to the area. By Julie Dermansky , DeSmogBlog December 2, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health How Climate Change Helped Create the Migrant Caravan Walls and armed guards cannot stop the global and national consequences of the climate crisis. By Brian Moench , Truthout December 2, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health Attention, Marketplace Shoppers: Don’t Delay On 2019 Enrollment If customers miss the Dec. 15 deadline, they may not have a plan that starts in January 2019. By Michelle Andrews , KaiserHealthNews December 1, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health New Study Shows Medicare for All Would Save US $5.1 Trillion Over Ten Years The most significant sources of savings would come in the areas of drug costs and administration. By Jake Johnson , CommonDreams December 1, 2018 Truthout