Environment & Health

How Does the US Compensate the World for the Damage It Has Done?
Climate justice advocate Basav Sen discusses the need to go beyond the Paris Climate Accord.

Biden’s Climate Policy Sounds a Lot Like Obama’s
Biden's “middle road” climate approach may appeal to swing voters, but it's not enough to save the planet.

US Plays Word Games in Arctic Council Consensus While Ignoring Indigenous People
Indigenous leaders call climate change an urgent threat that requires a global response.

As Capitalism Fails, We Need a Roadmap to Survive Climate Change
Biophysical economist Paavo Järvensivu discusses a new framework for mitigating and adapting to climate change.

To Be Sick and Not Rich Is the Nightmare of Medical Care in the US
Unless something changes big time, insurance companies will continue to sell us their services at ever-higher prices.

As Washington State Bans Fracking, Sanders Calls for Nationwide Ban
Presidential candidate and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee banned the destructive drilling practice in his state.

A Green New Deal Must Prioritize Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative farming has the potential to heal our planet by creating a massive carbon sink.

Nurses Tell Big Pharma, “Put Patients Over Profits”
Nurses have long been at the forefront of the fight for health care justice.

UN Report Says Indigenous Sovereignty Could Save the Planet
Earth’s resources are most protected in areas that enjoy some autonomy from global forces, the report says.

Climate Crisis Forces Us to Ask: To What Do We Devote Ourselves?
Capitalism disconnects us from that which sustains us: our planet. Let's devote ourselves to reconnecting.