Education & Youth
Trump and DeVos’s Plan to Reopen Schools Hides a Sinister Agenda
Turning schools into hotbeds of infection is in line with Betsy DeVos’s plan to undermine the public school system.
Missouri Governor Insists Kids That Get COVID at School Will Just “Get Over It”
While kids are less likely to get sick from COVID-19, risks of being hospitalized or dying from the disease still exist.
As Campuses Cut Ties to Police, Sociology Departments Must Do the Same
Sociology departments must end their role as pipelines to police academies.
“How Are Our Students Going to Stay Safe?” Teachers Protest School Reopenings
Over the past week, educators protested against a fall reopening in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, and elsewhere.
Majority of Americans Oppose Trump’s Threats to Defund Schools That Don’t Reopen
Many of the nation's largest school districts do not reach the threshold for reopening that epidemiologists recommend.
30 Years of Teach For America Shows How Reform Movements Can Become Co-opted
The program influenced thinking about schools on the national level, leading to more restrictive, punitive education.
Republicans Are Afraid to Attend Their Convention But Want Your Kids in School
They want kids back in school to help Trump win in November.
COVID Crisis Highlights Urgency of Canceling All Student Debt
44 million student loan borrowers across the U.S. are increasingly vulnerable amid the pandemic and economic crisis.
Post-Pandemic Education Must Move Beyond Mere Job Training
As education confronts economic crisis and COVID, more training for jobs that can disappear overnight isn't the answer.
Schools Are Struggling to Avoid Worsening Inequity When They Reopen
One matter of dominant concern is how to re-engage with students who began working full-time after schools closed.