Economy & Labor

Inside Corporate America’s Campaign to Ditch Workers’ Compensation
One Texas lawyer is helping companies opt out of workers' compensation and write their own rules. What does it mean for injured workers?

Economic Update: Co-ops vs. Capitalism
This episode provides updates on a looming economic downturn, and more.

The United States’ Unofficial Religion: The War on an Idea
The Empire has a range of weapons to maintain its power: from its courts to its military. But it also has effective ideological weapons.

Is $15 an Hour Enough?
A new report finds that in many states $15 an hour is not a living wage for a single person, let alone a family.

How Governments Are Helping Big Companies Pay Less Tax
Governments could have tackled corporate tax abuse, but instead ensured they didn't scare off investors to other tax regimes.

Capitalism and Its Regulation Delusion: Lessons From the Volkswagen Debacle
Under a profit-driven economic system, corporations will continue to find ways to evade government regulation.

Eighty Percent of Us Owe Money to Institutions; Can We Leverage It to Reduce Inequality?
Three visionaries discuss how the US debt problem has transformed the movements they work with.

Fighting Racism From the USDA, Black Farmers Gain Power Through Co-ops
A network of agricultural co-ops led by Black family farmers across the Deep South are fighting racist USDA policies.

No, the Kochs’ Political Spending Is Not “Reported“
Charles Koch misled CBS when he suggested that the Kochs' political spending is publicly disclosed.

When We Fumigate Flies and Mosquitoes, Are We Poisoning Ourselves?
In supporting the fumigation of insects in Central America, is the US poisoning civilians?