Economy & Labor

Taking on Predatory Payday Lenders in Florida
These payday lenders prey on people who do not have a bank account or can't otherwise get a loan.

Why I’m Ready to Get Arrested With Restaurant Workers
Everyone who cares about the state of our democracy should join us.

The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins and the Push to Go Cashless
It seems a war on cash is being waged, not to stimulate the economy, but to save the lucrative private banking scheme at all costs.

Peru Aims to Ratify Trans-Pacific Partnership Amid Protests
The signing of the TPP kindled a vigorous debate on the merits of international trade for the United States and Peru as well.

Dahr Jamail | Global Fisheries Are Collapsing — What Happens When There Are No Fish Left?
Climate change and pollution are rendering oceans increasingly lifeless. What happens if there are no more fish in the sea?

Highlights of Luntz Poll of US CEOs Show Broad Support for Progressive Policies
Top CEOs have empathy. Low healthcare costs for employees is at the forefront.

“Stop Oppressing Us”: Detroit Teachers Speak
Detroit teachers are protesting what they say is an unaccountable school system that has harmed students' educations.

Marxism 101: How Capitalism Is Killing Itself
A 2016 poll found young Americans have a much more favorable view of socialism than capitalism.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Treasury Department Cracks Down on Corporate Inversions, and More
The Treasury Department proposed new rules that would “wipe out” the massive tax benefits of the largest corporate inversion in US history.

Debtors’ Island: How Puerto Rico Became a Hedge Fund Playground
Once touted as the showcase of US-led economic development, debt-strapped Puerto Rico is currently embroiled in a struggle for survival.