Economy & Labor

Immigrant Women Lead Efforts to Transform Conditions for Domestic Workers in Illinois
Nannies, house cleaners and caregivers in Illinois are calling for legislation that could help improve their work conditions.

Harriet Tubman and the Monetization of Black History
It's no surprise that a Black liberator is being depicted on money. US capitalists have long profited from Black history.

As Saudis Continue Bombing Yemen, Is Obama Trading Cluster Munitions for Riyadh’s Loyalty?
President Obama visited Saudi Arabia for a meeting with leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Obama Administration Finally Grants Homeowners 2008 Crisis Debt Relief
Relief will be granted to those who were three months behind on payments as of March 1 and who also owe $250,000 or less.

Dahr Jamail | Six Years Later, Worried Gulf Residents to Hold Online Town Hall on BP Spill Health Impacts
BP's catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 left untold numbers of people sick, and many remain ill.

George Monbiot | Neoliberalism: The Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems
Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump — neoliberalism has played its part in them all.

Is $15 an Hour Enough for Workers to Support Their Families?
Questions on if businesses can afford to pay their workers more aside, is that pay even enough?

Panama Papers: Reigniting the Debate for a Global Tax Body
Establishing a globally agreed tax body under the auspices of the UN would bolster government revenues.

Patently Absurd Logic on Budget Deficits and Debt
The government is not like a family that has to pay off its debt.

The Steep Cost of Tax Dodging
The Panama Papers are making clear how tax evasive practices contribute to inequality on a global scale.