Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Republicans Have Rejected the Republican Party There's an opening here for Democrats if they care to take it. By The Daily Take Team , TheThomHartmannProgram May 4, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor How Limiting Access to Birth Control and Abortions Hurts the Economy Our nation's economic health and reproductive health are linked. By Michele Gilman , TheConversation May 3, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor The Fed’s Urge to Raise Interest Rates The Fed's decision to put off an interest rate hike is good news, but the real question is why it's even considering such a hike. By Dean Baker , Truthout May 2, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor On the News With Thom Hartmann: Millennials Earn Less Than Previous Generations, and More The expectation for many Americans has always been that one generation will do better than those who came before them. By Thom Hartmann , TheThomHartmannProgram May 2, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor What Small Farms Need to Compete With Corporate Food Most small farms have to follow the same rules as big corporate ones. In Maine, flexible food ordinances have increased the number of small farmers. By Kate Stringer , YES!Magazine May 1, 2016 Truthout
Interview | Economy & Labor The Incomplete and Wonderful History of May Day Author and professor Peter Linebaugh discusses his new book, “The Incomplete, True, Authentic, and Wonderful History of May Day,” and more. By Laura Flanders , TheLauraFlandersShow May 1, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Dark Money Attacking Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Nearly five years since it officially opened, a new dark money group is taking aim at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. By Libby Watson , SunlightFoundation April 30, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Let’s Get Serious About Inequality and Socialism If we are serious about inequality, we have to address the supremacy of capital, directly and forcefully. By The Public Intellectual: Michael D. Yates , Truthout April 30, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Scalia’s Dead Hand Grips “Systemic Risk” Regulators A ruling against federal regulators has financial giants rushing to appeal their too-big-to-fail designation. By Thomas Brom , Truthout April 29, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor A Two-Pronged Assault on Women The GOP isn't just taking aim at reproductive rights — it's after our very economic survival. By Martha Burk , OtherWords April 29, 2016 Truthout