Economy & Labor

Employment and the Democratic Platform: Hillary Has the Opportunity to Fix What Bill Broke
Hillary Clinton has the opportunity to correct a mistake made almost a quarter century ago.

Historic Justice for Janitors Campaign Inspires a New Generation of Janitorial Organizing
The Justice for Janitors legacy holds critical lessons for how public campaigns win concessions.

Speaking Mirth to Power: An Interview With “Tactical Performer” L.M. Bogad
The movement brilliantly and bravely used these highly dramatic actions, and their opponents' predictability, to create sociodramas.

Baltimore May Be the Next City to Adopt a $15 Minimum Wage
The City Council's Labor Committee met last week to begin the process of moving legislation to a vote, hearing testimony from supporters and opponents.

Here’s What’s the Matter With Kansas
Gov. Sam Brownback's experiment with Reaganomics has proven that conservative “trickle-down economics” doesn't benefit anyone except for the superrich.

Economic Update: Small Victories, Big Lessons
This episode discusses victories over the US sugar industry, and more.

Workers Walk Out for $15 at Dozens of Quebec Nursing Homes
The 3,000 workers had three days of strikes under their belts already by June 21, when they began an open-ended period of strikes.

“Let Us Vote”: Rep. John Lewis Leads Democratic Sit-In for Gun Control Legislation
Capitol Hill Democratic lawmakers are continuing a historic sit-in on the floor of the House.

Corporate Lobbyists Lash Out at Possibility of Clinton Picking Progressive VP
Lobbyists and financial services executives are heaping pressure on Hillary Clinton, urging her not to pick a progressive running mate.

Nurses Say “No” to Staffing by Robot: 5,000 Strike in Minnesota
The immediate sticking point is health insurance, but this is also a showdown over nurses' power on the job.