Economy & Labor

DOJ Overruled Recommendation to Indict Money-Laundering Bank Over Too-Big-to-Fail Worries
The Obama administration has consistently protected banks.

Koch Brothers’ Congressman Seeks to Block Efforts to Prevent Chemical Catastrophe
Koch Industries is the fiercest opponent of efforts to make these plants safer.

Trump and Santorum — Promoting an Economy of Opportunity or Exclusion?
Santorum and Trump claim know the mindset of blue-collar workers.

Duke Energy Ups Bond Demand From Nonprofits Challenging Fracked Gas Plant to $240 Million
Duke Energy is citing an obscure 1963 state law to justify a $240 million bond.

The Myth of the “Job Creators”
The rhetorical term “job creator” continues to mystify economic relations and pose a threat to both the economy and the working class.

An Agenda for a New Economy: Livestream of CommonBound 2016
Truthout is hosting this weekend-long livestream featuring conference keynotes, selected workshops and one-on-one interviews with organizers and participants.

How to Win Workplace Equality? Invest in Neighborhoods Where Women Need It Most
If we're going to have a thriving economy, we cannot stand by while discrimination, poverty and community disinvestment continue to hold women back.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deal That Sanders, Clinton and Trump All Oppose
Presidential candidates Sanders, Clinton and Trump all see the TPP as a bad trade deal.

Economic Update: Psychology, Economics and Orlando
This episode discusses minimum wage raises, and more.

Ecologically Sustainable Growth Is Possible: An Interview With Economist Robin Hahnel
“Preventing climate change ... is perfectly compatible with increases in economic well-being,” says radical economist Robin Hahnel.