Economy & Labor

How a US Energy Company Tried to Sell Its Failing “Clean Coal” Project to the World
The company behind the US' “clean coal” project pushed the technology around the world after discovering profound problems.

Public Banks Could Break the Impasse Over Marijuana Money
If marijuana-related money can't be banked, what's the alternative? There's a better option to “under the mattress.”

“Unruly Equality”: A Brief History of Anarchism
Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary anarchism, in relation to other sectors of the Left, has proven challenging.

Trickle-Down Election Economics: How Big Money Can Affect Small Races
Why New York's congressional and state Senate races could be donor draws.

Embracing the Alt-Right: New Trump Campaign Chief “Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists”
Last week, Donald Trump once again upended his campaign team and named Stephen Bannon, the head of Breitbart Media, to be his campaign chief.

Today’s Economic Hard Times Are the Culmination of a Long Series of Crises
The financial industry has become so powerful, post-collapse government spending has mostly gone to bail out financiers rather than for investment.

Hillary Clinton’s Not-So-New, Not-So-Worker-Friendly Economic Plan
Hillary Clinton unveiled her “new” economic plan to much fanfare — but it looks an awful lot like someone else's old program.

Big Pharma Increased Price of Life-Saving EpiPen by Over 450 Percent
Americans are being forced to pay hundreds of dollars for a common life-saving product that has been on the market since 1977.

The TPP and the Dire Threat to Affordable Drug Prices
Drug prices in the US are already approaching a crisis point for many patients unable to afford their prices, often despite being insured.

The Nightmare Continues: California’s Broken Child Care Subsidies System
An opportunity to bring stability and security to low-income mothers in California has failed due to false assumptions.