Economy & Labor

Trump Alleges Fed Chair Is Conspiring With Obama to Keep Interest Rates Low
He previously lauded her low interest rate policy.

The Surreal Politics of a Billionaire’s Tax Loophole
Why are private equity titans giving all their campaign money to Clinton?

Hillary Clinton and the Church of the Sacred Fed
Clinton was right to criticize Trump for his comments on the Fed, but she should have done so based on the principles of the party platform.

Presidential Politics and CEO Pay
While candidates are busy ranting about Wall Street's fat cats, taxpayers are left picking up their billion-dollar tab.

Economic Update: The Economics of Labor Day
This episode of Professor Wolff's radio show discusses dark money, and more.

A New Economic System for a World in Rapid Disintegration
The new socialism will require the direct participation of citizens in all socio-economic decisions affecting them.

Don’t Buy the Hype — the TPP Won’t Secure the US
The TPP is just another neoliberal corporate plan to reduce national sovereignty and strengthen the role corporations play in running the world.

Rock Against the TPP: Artists and Celebrities Fight the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Rock Against the TPP is a series of concerts, teach-ins and protests.

Leading Economists Oppose TPP Provision Giving Corporations Upper Hand in Investor-State Disputes
More than 200 of the country's leading economists and legal scholars have written a letter urging Congress to reject the 12-nation trade pact.

Reagan Sold Your Future, Trump Will Too
White working-class voters should think twice before electing another flag-waving, immigrant-bashing, billionaire-enriching politician.