News | Economy & Labor Job Growth on Stable Course as Employment Rate Rises in January The unemployment rate inched up by 0.1 percent in January to 4.8 percent, as the economy reportedly added 227,000 jobs. By Dean Baker , CenterforEconomicandPolicyResearch February 3, 2017 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Seattle Moves Toward Divesting From Wells Fargo to Protest the Dakota Access Pipeline The Seattle City Council Finance Committee voted unanimously to recommend divestment. By Mark Taylor-Canfield , Truthout February 3, 2017 Truthout
Economy & Labor Economic Update: Women’s Movement Economics This week's episode provides updates on the NFL's income redistribution, big bucks for Starbucks CEO and more. By Richard D. Wolff , Truthout February 3, 2017 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor This Is Our Land: The Rebirth of Mass Resistance Now here's the thing about domination: it is never absolute. When capitalism is most reckless, it is also most vulnerable. By Russell Rickford , Speakout February 2, 2017 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Federal Disobedience: Why We Must Support Federal Worker Noncooperation Let 2 million federal workers know you have their backs when they refuse to comply with the Trump-GOP agenda. By Adriana Calvarezi , Truthout February 1, 2017 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor New Congress on Track to Block Long-Sought Workplace and Public Health Protections Trump and the new GOP majority are already making very clear they don't care about workers' health or safety. By Elizabeth Grossman , InTheseTimes January 31, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor Southern Cities Face Growing Efforts by State and Federal Officials to Block Local Progress The South's progressive cities have a target on their back. By Allie Yee , FacingSouth January 31, 2017 Truthout
Interview | Economy & Labor Notes on the 2017 Women’s March: An Interview With Eleanor Goldfield Goldfield discusses the Women's March, the balance of optimism and hope, and how dissent can lead to progress. January 31, 2017 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor The Goldman Sachs Effect: How a Bank Conquered Washington Sharks smell blood in the water and go in for the kill. In the waters of the Trump-Goldman era, don't doubt that the blood will be our own. By Nomi Prins , TomDispatch January 30, 2017 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor Trade Deal Proponents Double Down in Defense of Harmful Policy Contrary to the folk wisdom of the elites, we have selective protectionism, not free trade. By Dean Baker , Truthout January 30, 2017 Truthout