Economy & Labor
Without Relief, Millions of Tenants Are Ready for a Rent Strike Revolution
Decades of growing inequality, coupled with a pandemic, have left millions of tenants no choice but to rent strike.
We Must Respond to the COVID Crash Like We Did to the Great Depression — Boldly
In the face of devastation today, despite trillions in federal stimulus, real political action has been lackluster.
Trump and GOP Want COVID-19 Protections for Bosses — But Not Workers
Republicans want legal protections for employers as safety enforcement tumbles under President Trump.
McConnell Says COVID Unemployment Checks “Make It More Lucrative Not to Work”
As unemployment skyrockets, McConnell says he won't consider a new round of coronavirus relief for a “month or so.”
Trump Adviser Says “Human Capital Stock” Should Get Back to Work
To them, we are only meat for the machine, nothing more than an entirely expendable commodity.
Hawaii Considers an Explicitly Feminist Plan for COVID-Era Economic Recovery
The plan recognizes the current crisis as the “moment to build a system that is capable of delivering gender equality.”
Tenants in Properties Linked to Jared Kushner Fear Lift of Eviction Ban
Residents of housing complexes owned by Trump's son-in-law struggled with aggressive evictions long before the pandemic.
Your Employers Are Behind the Rush to Reopen
The bosses and politicians are forcing us to choose between two bad options: Either work unsafely or lose unemployment.
Homelessness Could Rise 45 Percent in One Year Due to Unemployment Crisis
A new study estimates that about 250,000 people could be left homeless as a result of layoffs in the wake of COVID-19.
Law Firms Plan to Sue Governments for Profits Lost Due to Pandemic Measures
Governments could face a surge of investor-state arbitration for public health measures in response to the coronavirus.