Search Results for “"dark money"”
18-Day Fast for Democracy Ends as Big Money Steals Elections
Grassroots activists vow to organize mass civil disobedience to protest money in politics corruption.
Corporate Triumphs, Progressive Victories and the Roadmap for a Democratic Revival
Below the radar of most national media, progressive wages success campaigns on a variety of other issues.
Confidence Men and “Prison Reform“
Confidence Men are steering the purported conservative-Right push for “prison reform.”
A Big Win for Climate Change Denial: Republicans to Target EPA Regulations After Taking Senate
With their newfound control of both houses of Congress, the Republican agenda includes a rollback of environmental regulations.
The Fatal Flaw With Democracy
The most depressing thing about this year's election is probably the fact that we have outsourced our political process to factions.
New Voter Suppression Laws Could Decide Key Races, and Turn Back the Clocks for Years to Come
Voter ID laws have made it harder for people who would have supported Democrats to vote in many Southern states.
The Priciest Midterms Ever, Brought to You by “Dark Money” and Election Finance Out of Control
Despite record campaign spending, voter turn-out was expected to be the lowest in years.
New Analysis: Outside Spending in Competitive 2014 Senate Races Shatters 2012 Records
The midterm elections have seen new highs in nonparty outside spending.
A Kansas Group’s Push to Oust Judges Reveals a Gap in Campaign Finance Rules
Kansas election overseers are grappling with a new kind of dark money.
US Chamber of Commerce Dominates Undisclosed Spending in Congressional Races
The chamber has spent almost as much as the next two dark money groups combined, Public Citizen's US chamber watch program finds.