
Peace vs. Development: The Untold Story of the Colombian Civil War
Most people have never heard of San Jose de Apartado, Colombia.

William Rivers Pitt | An American Imam Lights a Candle of Hope
Where our politicians fail us, our shared values lift us all up.

Standing for Justice as We Hurtle Toward the Abyss
“I hope the stance for peace and justice will raise discussions and help enlighten our collective future. ”

See How We Live: The Traumatic Onslaught Against Civilians in Afghanistan
I'm generally an early riser at the home of the Afghan Peace Volunteers, but I'm seldom alone.

Honoring the Memory of JFK by Promoting Peace
I find hope and wisdom in the words of John F. Kennedy.

Tom Hayden, Courageous Warrior for Peace
The death of Tom Hayden marked the passing of a major progressive leader who championed causes from civil rights to Vietnam War opposition.

Constructing Visions of “Perpetual Peace”: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
One of the most disturbing and dangerous developments is the growing insulation of the elite from any system of democratic accountability.

Cuba Evokes the History of US Imperialism in Latin America
The reality is that US imperialism in Latin America is a significant problem that must be addressed to achieve peace in the world.

Peace and Planet: Responses to Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock Announcement
Measures to abolish nuclear weapons must be accompanied by a shift from the violence-based political and economic systems.

Hammer of “Justice”: Heartland Peace Activist Facing Felonies for Breaking Northrup Grumman Windows
Jessica Reznicek, an Iowa peace activist, was arraigned and charged with two felonies for breaking three windows with a sledgehammer at the Northrup Grumman facility.