Jobs Report Message: Now Obama Has Zero Choice but to Go Bold on Jobs
Zero. That was the number of net jobs produced by the economy in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Zero is the number that looms …
The Jobs Mirage: How Much More Work Do Humans Really Need?
Instead of clamor for jobs, why not clamor for a shorter workweek and divide the necessary work among more people?
WikiLeaks: China Wanted to Invest in US Banks During ’08 Crisis
Charlotte, N.C. - During the throes of the 2008 financial crisis, a top Chinese banker told U.S. officials that his company and others in China were interested in taking …
High-Wire CEO
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Hartmann: Do French Billionaires Love Their Country More Than US Billionaires?
America's wealthiest could learn a thing or two from a nation across the pond. In my Daily Take - I'll tell you why the wealthiest in France DIDN'T need …
Protesters in Israel Take to the Streets Over Rising Prices
Jerusalem - Demonstrators filled the streets of Israel's largest cities Saturday night to protest the country's high cost of living, winding down a summer-long movement that has fizzled in …
US Awash in Oil and Lies, Report Charges
Uxbridge, Canada - With four times as many oil rigs pumping domestic oil today than eight years ago and declining domestic demand, the United States is awash in oil. …
Rick Perry: Consistently Wrong on Social Security
SOCIAL SECURITY IS A PONZI SCHEME Perry: Social Security “is a Ponzi scheme for these young people.” (Iowa Caucus Event at The Vine Coffeehouse, August 27, …
Regulations, Taxes Aren’t Killing Small Business, Owners Say
Washington - Politicians and business groups often blame excessive regulation and fear of higher taxes for tepid hiring in the economy. However, little evidence of that emerged when McClatchy …
Five GOP Presidential Candidates Have Proposed Eliminating Capital Gains Tax, a $1 Trillion Giveaway to the Rich
Yesterday, 2012 GOP presidential long-shot Jon Huntsman unveiled an economic plan that, in addition to including standard conservative tropes about repealing the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial …