
US Uncut New York City Teach-In at Bank of America (Video)
US Uncut, a new decentralized direct action group, held teach-ins inside two Bank of America branches in New York City on Saturday. The classes were held to discuss the …

Unequal Protection: The Early Role of Corporations in America
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Jane Anne Morris is a corporate anthropologist and writer in Madison, Wisconsin, and she is affiliated with the Program on Corporations, Law, …

Unequal Protection: Jefferson Versus the Corporate Aristocracy
Thomas Jefferson. (Image: Gilbert Stuart / cliff1066™; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Although the first shots were fired in 1775 and the Declaration was signed in 1776, …

Unequal Protection: The Boston Tea Party Revealed
The battle between the small businessmen of America and the huge multinational East India Company actually began in Pennsylvania, according to Hewes.

Unequal Protection: The Corporate Conquest of America
While corporations can live forever, exist in several different places at the same time, change their identities at will, and even chop off parts of themselves or sprout new …

Unequal Protection: The Deciding Moment?
Part of the American Revolution was about to be lost a century after it had been fought.

Unequal Protection: Banding Together for the Common Good
This new corporate entity was, of course, not something that was physically real; it was an agreement, a so-called legal fiction authorized by a government.

Michigan’s GOP Governor Slashes Corporate Tax Rate by 86 Percent, Hikes Taxes for Working Poor
As we’ve been documenting, several conservative governors have proposed placing the brunt of deficit reduction onto the backs of their state’s public employees, students, and middle-class taxpayers, while simultaneously …

Unequal Protection: The Battle to Save Democracy
Over the past century, corporations have repeatedly asserted that they are, in fact, “persons” and therefore eligible for the human rights protections of the Bill of Rights -- while …

As GOP Appears to Win Extension of Bush Era Tax Cuts for Wealthy, Rev. Jesse Jackson Calls for “War on Poverty“
Rev. Jesse Jackson describes our current moment as one of ‘exceptional poverty’ and is calling on President Obama to hold a bipartisan meeting on hunger and poverty.