
A Fearful GOP
Washington - Republicans haven't quite thrown away what they see as a winnable presidential election, at least not yet. But they're trying their best. In GOP circles, there is …

Delusions of the Corporate State
(Photo: anonymonk) August 2011 marks 50 years since I left Greece for the United States. In 1961, in Greece, I was a high school graduate with dreams …


Five Ways to Make Your Dollars Make Sense
Americans’ long-term savings in stocks, bonds, pension, life insurance, and mutual funds total about $30 trillion. But not even 1 percent of these savings touches local small businesses, the …

Legislators Who Sign the Anti-Tax “Norquist Pledge” Are Enemies of the People and the Constitution
Grover Norquist. (Photo: Gage Skidmore / Flickr) A recent lawsuit mounted by former UCLA chancellor Charles Young and former Ninth Circuit Appellate Justice William A. Norris brings …

The Real Social Security Crisis
President Barack Obama is ready to support “reforms” to “strengthen” Social Security, he declared in his State of the Union address. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels thinks we need “repairs” …

Rep. Allen West’s 15 Most Outrageous Statements
In four short years in the U.S. House of Representatives, congressman Allen West has earned a reputation for making the most irresponsible statements which are clearly intended to attract …

Capitalism, the Infernal Machine: An Interview With Fredric Jameson
The literary critic and Marxist political theorist, Fredric Jameson, has written Representing Capital: A Reading of Volume One, a book that revisits Karl Marx's most important work, Capital. On …

Missiles Aimed at Social Security and Medicare
Missiles are pointed at Social Security and Medicare, the broad-based programs for older Americans. Some are stealth missiles. Some are misguided missiles. But both parties are pointing them. Democrats …

Memo Sheds Light on Debate Surrounding US Stimulus
Lawrence H. Summers was head of the National Economic Council from 2009-2010. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times) Ryan Lizza’s new article on policy making …