High Noon and the West Coast Docks
High Noon is a 1952 morality play about people deciding whether or not to stand up to the forces of corruption and criminality. Scenes from it often come to …
Thanks to “Tax Notes”
In my post this morning on dynamic scoring and how to turn the United States into something closer to Greece, I requested that the publication Tax Notes bring an …
Apple’s Unethical Innovation
Apple's position as a worldwide leader in technological innovation has brought huge rewards to those who run the company or own stock in it, and has raised co-founder Steve …
Democrats and the Bush Tax Cuts
Mark Thoma provides an excerpt from Noam Scheiber on Peter Orszag’s attempt to let all of the Bush tax cuts expire. In short, Orszag wanted to extend the “middle-class” tax …
And Now, the Catfood Party (2)
Like most establishment pundits, Thomas Friedman (and apparently most of the rest of the nation) came away
Treating Sick Rich Folks
Nancy Hemenway, a senior financial services executive and hospital patient, reads a newspaper in the library of the Eleven West wing at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, …
A Real Job for the Vice President: Leading Congress
The vice presidency has been a joke for most of the nation’s history. The first vice president, John Adams, said it was “the most insignificant office that ever the …
Free Trade or Democracy, Can’t Have Both
Recent stories about the conditions of Apple's contractors in China have opened many people's eyes about where our jobs, factories, industries and economy have been going, and why. The …
Was Occupy’s “Shut Down the Corporations” Action a Success?
The Occupy movement's national day of action — “Shut Down the Corporations” — is a difficult action to assess. Was the action a success or a failure? The first …
Labor’s Fight Is Our Fight
Unions have been fighting the 1% vs 99% fight for more than 100 years. Now the rest of us are learning that this fight is also OUR fight. The …