
The Finger of Fate Upon You
The last ten years have been a festival of profit-taking for a small collection of people you will never meet.

Breaking Down the Mortgage Settlement: How Far Does $26 Billion Go?
The big bank settlement over mortgage servicing abuses was finalized last week, detailing the agreement's actual terms. Bank of America, Citigroup, Ally Financial (formerly GMAC) and JPMorgan Chase are …

The Invisible Poverty of “The Other America” of the 1960s Is Far More Visible Today
Fifty years ago (in March 1962) Michael Harrington wrote a book, “The Other America: Poverty in the United States” - a haunting tour of deprivation in an affluent society …

Truthout Talks With Thom Hartmann About His Legacy as an Author
Thom Hartmann: I've been writing since I was 12 years old. When I left my parents' home when I was 16, I'd wallpapered my bedroom with 56 rejection slips, …

Spain’s Economy, Front and Center
(Image: CartoonArts International / The New York Times Syndicate) I've always viewed Spain, not Greece, as the quintessential euro crisis country. With Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's government balking — …

Michael Harrington and “The Other America”: Their Legacy 50 Years Later
Renowned historians, sociologists and activists including William Julius Wilson, Maurice Isserman, Peter Dreier, David O’Brien, Bruce Western, Annette Lareau and others will speak at a two-day conference on poverty …

A Seven-Day Plan to Finally Hold Wall Street Accountable
Susan Hall is an underwater homeowner who is having trouble finding a single point of contact to help modify her mortgage, outside her home in Cotati, California, February 18, …

A Colossal Mistake of Historic Proportions: The “JOBS” Bill
From the 1970s until recently, Congress allowed and encouraged a great deal of financial market deregulation – allowing big banks to become larger, to expand their scope, and to …

In the US, the News May Be Good, but Problems Remain
White House press secretary Jay Carney refers to a graph referencing private-sector job growth during the White House Daily Briefing on Monday, February 6, 2012, in Washington, DC. (Photo: …

New Toxic Sludge PR and Lobbying Effort Gets Underway
A trade association known for using the terms “compost,” "organic," and “biosolids” to describe sewage sludge is investing in a new public relations campaign to influence policymakers and the …