
Goldman Makes It Official That the Stock Market Is Manipulated, Buybacks Drive Valuations
Significant and sustained stock market declines are almost always the result of Fed tightening.

The Eurozone, Back in Crisis
Europe has surprised many people, myself included, with its resilience.

The United States’ Grand Fortunes Go Overboard
With middle-class net worth crumbling, the Forbes 400 grow wealthier than ever.

Using Less Energy Doesn’t Have to Mean Less Growth
There's a lot of room to reduce emissions without killing economic growth.

Competing with Capitalism to Maximize Well-Being
Capitalism is taking on water and a new vessel is needed, but even if a rescue ship were to approach, there would be no jumping onto it.

The Brick Wall of Poverty
I do not wish to be one of the people that many deem as someone who may fail simply because of their own failure to push themselves.

NSA Documents Suggest a Close Working Relationship Between NSA, US Companies
Documents describe “contractual relationships” between NSA and US companies, as well as undercover operatives at some US companies.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The US Is Number One in Violence, and More
In today's On the News segment: Violence is one of the only reasons the US finds itself at the top of any charts, and more.

Unfriending ALEC
Big tech companies like Google and Facebook are breaking up with corporate polluters.

My Fault or Theirs?
I believe the people at fault for the US economic and racial inequality are elected officials.