
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Future of the Postal Service May Be in Jeopardy, and More
In today's On the News segment: If Congress refuses to act in the next month, the future of the US Postal Service may be in jeopardy, and more.

Eight Main Street Job Creators Who Are Rebooting the Economy, Starting With Those Who Need It Most
The goal is to strengthen local economies in every corner of the United States.

Anxieties Over Interest Rates
As usual, my inbox is full of speculations about when the Federal Reserve Board will raise interest rates in the United States.

The Poor Suffer From Hunger – Not the Munchies
Drug-testing for food stamps wastes taxpayer money and stigmatizes economic hardship.

The History of a Dangerous Idea: Mark Blyth Talks Austerity, Greece and the Global Economic Crisis
Economist and author Mark Blyth traces historical origins of austerity as an economic idea and the catastrophe of attempts to enforce it.

Chief Tax-Dodging Officers
Many corporations are paying their CEOs more than they pay the Treasury.

Report: US Cities Increasingly Spurn Water Privatization
Industry countering with heightened PR, policy interference.

Don’t Raise Taxes Just Yet, Japan
Right now Japan is struggling to escape from a deflationary trap.

Public Citizen Calls on FEC to Close Absurd Corporate Loophole
Contractors now can both give contributions and receive contracts through separately incorporated divisions of same company.

Outcast Island
October 9, 2014 marked the end of an era for Boston's homeless, ill and marginalized residents when the sole bridge to Long Island was closed.