
Shareholders, Managers and Capitalism
Earlier this month I wrote another “Medium” article about whether or not directors have a so-called fiduciary duty to maximize profits. The answer is no.

Goucher College Adjuncts Expect Union Victory as Organizing Spreads in Maryland
If Goucher adjuncts win, their victory will be among several won last year by Gaithersburg, Maryland-based Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 500, which activists say is successfully harnessing …

ECB: The Ultimate Enforcer of the European Neoliberal Project?
The European Central Bank's economic interventions are designed to keep the neoliberal euro game going - not help Europeans.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Sink the Middle Class
Two decades of free trade deals have eviscerated the middle class and bloodied the “American dream.”

The Next Big Progressive Battle: A Living Wage
The minimum wage shouldn't force workers to live in poverty.

Eighty People Control Half of the World’s Wealth and All of the Elected Officials
What we have here is not a failure to communicate but a clear and dangerous conflict of interest.

Syriza and the Greek Elections: The Tough Questions That Must Be Asked
Will Syriza make an honest effort to cleanse the Greek system of corruption and patronage, or will we see a return to the old ways?

We Say Water Is a Right
2014 was a year of struggle in Ireland against water charges.

Do the United States’ Hungry Children Matter?
Can't we all agree that policies aimed at helping impoverished children is the right thing to do?

Economic Update: Spinning Out of Control
This episode provides updates on Obama's State of the Union speech, and more.