
What the CBO Isn’t Telling Congress: Climate Change Threatens Million of Jobs
While fewer and fewer people are willing to publicly deny the validity of global warming science, those who oppose action to protect the climate have taken up …

Economic Crisis Affects Lebanon De-Mining
Funds that would go toward clearing a 205-square-kilometer danger zone have been diverted. Nabatieh, Lebanon — The pock marks on the walls of 45-year-old Salima Barakat's house are …

Will the Stupak Amendment Force Women Who’ve Miscarried to Lose Insurance Coverage?
This weekend, a group of male pro-life Democrats gambled with women's health, and women lost. By broadly writing in that insurers can chose whether or not to cover "abortion …

Don’t Believe Everything the Oracle Tells You
Athens, Greece - Last Sunday, we visited the ruins of ancient Delphi, two hours or so from here in the Greek capital, an extraordinary site at the …

Land of Day Laborers, Farm Workers and Guest Workers
Oceanside, California - In Oceanside, Carlsbad, Del Mar and north San Diego County, immigrant day laborers wait by the side of the road, hoping a contractor will stop and …

Ten Suicides a Month at Ft. Hood
Phoenix, Arizona - While investigators probe for a motive behind the mass shooting at the Fort Hood military base in Texas last Thursday, in which an army psychiatrist …

Labor Antiwar Group Refocuses on Afghanistan
According to US Labor Against the War, the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan could have paid for a year's worth of health care for 140 million people …

Blowback: The GOP Discovers That the Grassroots Bites Back
Sometimes it's not wisdom of the crowds, it's Madness of the crowds. What happens when a top-down organization which has exploited the grassroots finds that the grassroots won't take …

Education Reform: Wrong Diagnosis, So Wrong Cure
Sooner or later, a reluctant Congress is going to have to do something about replacing No Child Left Behind. If senators and representatives will listen, they'll learn …

Study: 2,266 Veterans Died Due to Lack of Insurance in 2008
More than 2,200 veterans under the age of 65 died last year due to lack of health insurance, according to a study out of Harvard Medical School released today. …