
Dodd to Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Reverse Campaign Finance Ruling
Please see this report by Truthout's Kyle Berlin about a similar bill introduced in the House earlier this week.

Costa Rica Expected to Elect First Woman President
San Jose, Costa Rica — Costa Rican voters appear likely to elect the country's first female president, a protege of Nobel laureate Oscar Arias who holds a nearly 20-point …

Obama: Republicans Are Obstructionists
President Barack Obama attacked Republicans as “obstructionists” Wednesday, telling a gathering of Democratic lawmakers that the party of no has resisted his policy proposals because they are trying to …

Bill Introduced Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Tackle Campaign Finance Ruling
Two lawmakers introduced a bill this week aimed at adding an amendment to the US Constitution, which would allow Congress and the states to regulate political expenditures by corporations.

E.J. Dionne Jr. | The Hidden Issue of 2010
Washington - Vice President Joe Biden is tired of seeing the Obama administration's economic stimulus plan demeaned, derided and dismissed, and he wanted to talk about it. But a …

Robert Lipsyte | Super Bowl Ads: 30-Second Warnings
Chips, Beer, Voyeuristic Horndogs, Hot Babes, Flatulent Slackers, and God’s Quarterback Star in the Big Game In 1987, an evangelical Christian missionary in the Philippines, Pam Tebow, sick …

Outrage Over Latest Round of Bonuses for AIG Employees
AIG planned to pay out about $100 million in bonuses Wednesday to many of its employees who worked in a division of the firm that was largely responsible for …

White House Seeks $125 Billion for Veterans in 2011
The White House has announced a proposed $125 billion budget next year for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The proposal calls for expanding health care to a record …

Decency and Strength
Here in Colorado Springs, student and community organizers recently invited me to try and help promote their campaign against a proposed “no camping” ordinance, a law to ban the …

What Getting Dumped by My Girlfriend Taught Me About Being Dumped by Obama
It was a cold February night when I got together with Irene to watch Obama's first budget address to Congress. Irene was a drop-dead gorgeous woman whose beauty was …