Climate Legislation: The CLEAR Choice
It is a very unfortunate fact that what the US Senate does about the climate crisis, and when, is decisive when it comes to the possibility of an eventual …
The Pentagon Church Militant and Us: The Top Five Questions We Should Ask the Pentagon
When it comes to our nation's military affairs, ignorance is not bliss. What's remarkable then, given the permanent state of war in which we find ourselves, is how many …
New Legislation Will Bring Light to Government’s Dark Spaces
On Tuesday, Rep. Steve Israel (D-New York) introduced a banner piece of legislation to create greater governmental transparency by making public government information available online. The bill, the Public …
Republicans Take Aim at Holder Over Previously Undisclosed Legal Brief
The Senate Judiciary Committee announced that it will hold a Justice Department oversight hearing on March 23. The committee will have an opportunity to question Attorney General Eric Holder, …
A Tale of Two Wars From a Man Who Was There for Both
In May 1991, my Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit stationed at Incirlik AB, Turkey, was deployed into northern Iraq in support of the Kurdish relief efforts. Our mission was simple; …
Justice Roberts Stokes State of the Union Controversy: A Hard Lesson in Why Elections Matter
The arch-conservative University of Alabama Law School, with an active Federalist Society chapter, was the perfectly sympathetic setting last week for what most American legal experts would consider shockingly …
Your Friend, the Pentagon
Progressives making friends with the Pentagon? It has happened before. The top military brass have often shared progressives' preference for avoiding war. They were quite skeptical, for example, about …
E.J. Dionne Jr. | On Health Care, Listen to the Nuns
Washington - One of the tragedies of the viciously politicized battle over health care reform is the defection of the nation's Roman Catholic bishops from a cause they have …
How Two Little-Known Offices Will Shape the Vote on the Health Care Bill
Washington — The complex, highly partisan closing push for healthcare reform is, in many ways, coming down to two Washington institutions whose devotion to nonpartisanship and a mastery of …
Insurer Targeted HIV Patients to Drop Coverage
Washington - In May, 2002, Jerome Mitchell, a 17-year old college freshman from rural South Carolina, learned he had contracted HIV. The news, of course, was devastating, but Mitchell …