
US-China Relations Warm as Obama and Hu Jintao Meet
Chinese President Hu Jintao and Obama met Monday in the margins of the two-day summit on nuclear security. US-China relations have endured several months of tense disagreements. After passing …

Massey Energy Bought Workers’ Comp Insurance Shortly Before Mine Blast
Massey Energy Company, owner of the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia where at least 25 miners were killed April 5 in a methane gas explosion, apparently arranged …

Ignorance of Afghan Society Led to Botched Raids
Washington - A Special Operations Forces raid on Feb. 12 on what was supposed to be the compound of a Taliban leader but that killed three women and two …

Nine Myths About Socialism in the US
Glenn Beck and other far right multi-millionaires are claiming that the US is hot on the path toward socialism. Part of their claim is that the US is much …

Black Jobless Rate Nearly Double US Average
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released employment data for March. Many analysts agree that the numbers show the first substantial gain for payrolls since December 2007. Nonfarm payroll …

News in Brief
The New York Times and the Associated Press reported that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) will not seek re-election this year.

Is START Really a Beginning?
Does the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed by U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Prague on April 8, really provide a beginning toward …

Rape aXe: Putting Teeth Into the Fight Against Rape
Clamp fits like a boot on an illegally parked car. Rape-aXe is a flexible polyurethane condom-like tube that fits into the woman's body. Rows of jagged plastic hooks …

The Future of American Jobs
Many of my students at Berkeley who will be graduating in June are worried about the job market. I understand their worries. But they and other new college grads …

Education Crisis: Symptom and Crucible of Societal Malaise
After years of suppression, people are beginning to talk about violence at school again. This problem had undoubtedly become too obvious to continue to evade it and to act …