John McCain: “We Already Won That One“
On July 15, I attended a reception in Washington, DC, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam. Geoff Millard and …
Stop Hyperventilating: Obama Will Not Choose War With Iran
In September 2007, before the release of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iran, I wrote an article for Salon titled “Why Bush Won't Bomb Iran.” At the time, …
WikiLeaks Report Harms National Security in Afghanistan, Says White House
WikiLeaks has released more than 90,000 classified US reports and documents spanning 2004-2009 detailing Paksitan's collusion with Afghan militants and the Taliban's increasing sophistication. The White House condemned the …
E.J. Dionne, Jr. | The End of the Fox News Era?
Washington - The smearing of Shirley Sherrod ought to be a turning point in American politics. This is not, as the now trivialized phrase has it, a “teachable moment.” …
“Netroots” Disappointed in Obama, but Want Him to Succeed
Las Vegas - The netroots, the liberal Democrats who've been instrumental in making the Internet an important political tool, are disappointed in President Barack Obama. While the left is …
US Farmers May Face Crackdown on Pesticide Use
Washington - The nation's farmers could face severe restrictions on the use of pesticides as environmentalists, spurred by a favorable ruling from a judge in Washington state, want the …
Disabled Oil Rig Alarm Points to Human Failures in Gulf Oil Disaster
As investigators probe the Deepwater Horizon oil rig accident, it's becoming clearer that human decisions regarding key safety equipment were part of the nation's largest oil spill.
Climate: Controlled
Geoengineering Threatens to Save the Planet from Global Warming
How Breitbart Won and Why We Must Rethink “Racism“
We've trod a familiar path in the past week. It started with credulous acceptance of Andrew Breitbart's latest round of lies, moved to the subsequent debate about who's a …
Are iPads, Smartphones and the Mobile Web Rewiring the Way We Think?
It took an offer to appear on a national TV show for Wade Warren to reluctantly give up what he calls his “technology” for a week. That was the …